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The Sea Maiden Page 2

  Karina and Lynnette spent a great deal of time riding together she even insisted that Lynnette and Storm come along when she and her father rode together. Charles smiled at the fond memory. Those were the most treasured years of his life and now his life was nearly over. The years had passed quickly and Karina bloomed into a beautiful young woman, full of dreams like most youth, spirited and bold as he had once been. Charles clenched his fist at the thought of having to leave his precious daughter nearly bankrupt and unprotected if he didn’t take care of that right away. There was no time to sell his assets, so his meeting with Gunther today had only one purpose, to secure Karina’s future. Unfortunately, Gunther would have no romantic appeal for his daughter but he was a successful shipping business man and to Lord Pembroke this was paramount over romantic girlish notions. He expected Karina to reject the idea of an arranged marriage especially to a man 38 years her senior, after all, Karina celebrated her 18th birthday less than 30 days before. Lord Pembroke justified this minor detail with the fact that young women were often given in marriage to, older men of title in order to preserve or increase lineage, wealth and power. Being a spirited but sensible girl, she would in time understand and be thankful. Due to Karina’s sheltered upbringing at Pembroke there were no beaus or suitors to compare to. He had to make her understand this was in her best interest. Perhaps taking Lynnette with her as her companion would make her feel more comfortable. Lynnette could visit her family only two days away from Harmon Hall.

  Nate, his longtime butler and caregiver came into the study to announce Lord Harmon’s arrival.

  “Lord Gunther Harmon has arrived.”

  “Thank you, Nate, show him in please.”

  Lord Harmon entered the room; he was a balding man with a gray beard and a stocky powerful build. They had been rivals in the business world and had quarreled in more than one occasion, but Lord Pembroke didn’t care to dig up old bones. Charles stood up with some effort and greeted Gunther with an embrace. A bit out of breath from the effort he signaled Gunther to take a seat.

  “It has been a long time Charles.”

  “Yes too long Gunther.”

  “It grieves me to know you’re not well.”

  “Old age catches up to us all at some point my friend.”

  “Tragic but true old friend.”

  Both men went on talking for a while for old time sake careful not to bring up unpleasant memories. Lord Harmon’s shipping business thrived while Lord Pembroke’s business and health declined and had caused Charles to go to Gunther for help in more than one occasion and now owed him a large deal of money. Unfortunately Charles days were numbered and to some degree so was Karina’s fate unless he reached a quick agreement with Gunther. He regretted keeping her hidden from younger candidates; all were now married with growing families of their own. The only man he considered fit to salvage his shipping business and provide Karina the life style she was accustomed to was, Lord Gunther Harmon.

  He had Nate summon Karina to the study. Gunther met Karina once but had not seen her since she was a young girl in braids. He had also once briefly courted her mother, Sera, before she married, Lord Pembroke. It had been a busy time in his life for Gunther; expanding his business in the American colonies kept him busy traveling overseas. He spent nearly a decade in the colonies and the West Indies when he returned he learned Sera had married Lord Pembroke. Charles and Sera had spent as much time trying to conceive. At a dinner party, Gunther encountered Sera again as a happy expectant mother, carrying Karina and her twin. Lord Pembroke did notice a brief disappointment in Gunther and was glad for his absence all those years.

  As usual Karina prepared to go riding with Lynnette, she knew her father had company in his study; being so ill the company would do him good it also gave her a chance to escape a while she planned to be back by noon to accompany him and his guest for the mid-day meal. Nate knocked on her door, and informed her that her father requested her presence in his study before she went riding. How unusual, she thought, her father had always insisted that she not interrupt him when he had company or attended to his business affairs. She twisted a strand of hair on each side of her head and tied together behind her head and left the rest fall loosely below her waist. Long wavy strands framed her golden face and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle. She wore a royal blue velvet riding habit that complemented her blue eyes with a white fan-like lace across the chest. She hurried down stairs to her father’s study wondering if he felt well. She knocked on the door, before entering. As the door opened she could see the back of a husky man sitting across from her father.

  “Karina, I would like to introduce you to an old friend of mine, Lord Gunther Harmon.”

  Gunther stood and turned to greet her, he had not expected such a vibrant young woman Impressed by her beauty he placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

  “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance my dear, may I add that you’re far more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Karina smiled coyly but felt a bit awkward not being used to receiving such complements from men.

  “You are too kind sir I’m pleased to meet your acquaintance as well.”

  She was breathtaking; Gunther wondered how Charles managed to keep her hidden all these years.

  “Sit with us a while Karina.”

  Karina was anxious to leave.

  “Father you know this is the hour I ride Thunder, Lynnette has already taken him out for me, may I please be excused?”

  “We have a guest.” Charles glared at her.

  “It’s quite alright Charles, let her go.” Gunther interrupted. “I wouldn’t want to impose on your plans for today my dear there’s plenty of time for us to get better acquainted”.

  Karina wondered what he meant by that.

  “Very well Karina, go but return promptly at noon, Lord Harmon will be joining us for the mid-day meal.”

  Karina nodded and hurried out the door. She could not wait to leave; the man starred at her like she had two heads and his comment about getting better acquainted made her uneasy.

  So far life had been more than fair, Gunther thought. Health, wealth, and now the possibility of a beautiful young wife with a hefty dowry and a shipping empire at his fingertips, no time to waste he thought at last he and Charles were on the same page.

  Karina hurried to the stables eager to go riding with Lynnette who was already mounted on Storm, and trotting around the stable alongside Karina’s horse, Thunder. Karina arrived a bit breathless but ready to go.

  “What took you so long Thunder is getting so impatient?” Lynnette asked.

  “My father insisted that I meet a colleague of his, he has never done that before and it made me uncomfortable, the man kept staring at me it was quite disturbing. Before I left he made a comment about having plenty of time to get better acquainted. I wonder what he meant by that, I’m getting a bad feeling about this.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Lord Gunther Harmon.”

  “Is he handsome?”

  “No, he’s gray and thick with more hair on his face than on his head.”

  “Sounds charming,”

  “Very funny Lynnette,” Karina shot her a sarcastic smile, “We better go I must be back by the noon hour, our charming guest, Lord Harmon, will be joining us for the mid-day meal.”

  “Perhaps your father has hired him to be your mentor?”

  Karina mounted Thunder. “I hope you’re right! Hyaa!”

  She tugged on the reigns and both girls rode off.


  Approaching Horseman

  Karina and Lynnette dressed warmly and rode off racing across miles of green grass, it was a cool but beautiful day, sun light seeped through the trees and the wind blew through Lynnette’s silky dark hair and Karina’s honey streaked waves. After a while they began to slow their pace. In the distance the figure of a man on horseback could be seen approaching them. Lynnette beamed upon recognizing him, Karina remained puzzled.
br />   “What brings you out here?” Lynnette asked.

  “You! I told you I wanted to see you again.” Peter said. Lynnette blushed,

  “I apologize for my awkwardness’ the other day; I’m not used to having suitors.” Lynnette turned to Karina, still looking puzzled, “Karina this is Peter De Marco, we met at the village market the other day. Peter this is my friend Karina Pembroke.”

  Ah, yes the one who never goes to the market with you.”

  “Yes unfortunately.”

  Karina felt a twinge of jealousy at Lynnette’s handsome suitor and regretted not being allowed to go to the village market with her and Gracie.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Peter.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Quite a contrast to the man her father introduced her to earlier. Peter dismounted; he was tall, muscular, and tanned with hazel eyes. Sun burnished curls grazed the tip of his collar and fell lightly over straight darker brows. Lynnette and Karina also dismounted. Lynnette was much more at ease without Gracie’s company.

  “I’m flattered that you came.” Lynnette told him.

  “I followed you and the older lady until you reached the clearing in the woods. Today is my second attempt; I was starting to lose hope.”

  He reached out to touch a lock of her dark silky hair.

  “I wanted to see those emerald green eyes of yours again.”

  Lynnette blushed. Karina came to Lynnette’s rescue and broke the silence.

  “You’re not a local I gather?” Karina asked.

  “No I’m just visiting with a friend from the area who told me there were beautiful girls out this way,” He leaned forward. “He was right.” The girls laughed. “Actually, I’m from Massachusetts but I live and work aboard the Sea Maiden. We’re getting ready to take another shipment to America.”

  “So you’re leaving?” Lynnette asked sounding disappointed.

  “Yes, I didn’t want to leave without seeing you again. It will be a while before I return.”

  “So you’re traveling back to America soon?” Karina asked.

  “Yes, a week from this Wednesday but my friend and I leave tomorrow.” He confirmed, and then he remembered something, “Oh I almost forgot!”

  He turned and walked over to the horse and started rummaging through his pack. Karina took the opportunity to talk to Lynnette.

  “Handsome fellow, how did you meet?”

  “At the market by the fruit stand, while Gracie went to the butchers I was picking apples and we reached for the same one…well I think he did it on purpose.”

  “No doubt…”

  “He was close so I turned and he towered over me all I saw was his neck then I looked up and he gave the most dazzling smile, my heart skipped a beat…we started talking, well he did most of the talking, I mostly shooed him away. I was afraid Gracie might see us and tell mother. Before leaving he asked where I lived and if he could see me again I was afraid and said no but I told him I lived past the woods. I didn’t really expect him to come looking for me.”

  “How could you keep this from me?”

  “I was afraid I might jinx myself if I told you and I didn’t want you to laugh at me if he didn’t come.”

  “Lynnette you always think that way.”

  Peter took out a small cloth bag and came back toward them. Then he turned the small cloth bag over and a shiny gold bracelet fell in his hand, Lynnette gasped and looked up at him.

  “Please give me your hand.”

  He took her hand and put the shiny gold bracelet on Lynnette’s wrist.

  “Oh Peter! It’s beautiful! I don’t know what to say.”

  “Your smile is enough for me.”

  Lynnette turned to Karina, who was also smiling.

  “It looks beautiful on you, Lynnette. I feel awkwardly intrusive right now.”

  “Oh please, don’t, I doubt I would have been able to see her again to give her this small gift if she didn’t have a riding companion like you to escape from her mother and Gracie.” Peter smiled.

  “How are you so sure that I’m fine with this?”

  “Lynnette mentioned she confides all her girlie secrets to you.” Peter chuckled.

  Karina laughed, they continued talking for a while then Karina reminded Lynnette that they must go back now.

  “Peter it’s been a pleasure, good luck on your trip and I hope you come by again soon.”

  “Thank you, like wise and yes…” He looked at Lynnette, “…I’ll be back.”

  He smiled at Lynnette then turned and smiled and waved good bye at Karina.

  To give them some privacy Karina excused herself and mounted Thunder then trotted off ahead of Lynnette and Storm. Lynnette continued to speak to Peter a few more minutes. Karina turned just in time to glimpse Peter ignore Lynnette’s extended hand and instead surprise her with a back arching kiss. Karina gasped; Lynnette seemed to swoon in his arms. She will be in a daze after this Karina thought.

  “Lynnette I’m leaving early tomorrow, I want you to meet me later today I can come back and wait for you by the trees behind the stable at sunset.”

  “Peter…I can’t I….wait! How do you know about the trees behind the stable?”

  “Well I followed you and Gracie more than past the clearing, I followed you all the way to the stables on Saturday” He smiled mischievously

  “You did?”

  Peter nodded, “So I can meet you there later today, I will leave this scarf on the fence then come look for me behind the trees around sunset.”

  Lynnette smiled and nodded, “Alright just for a little while…so we can talk and you can tell me about your travels, but I better go now.”

  Peter helped her mount Storm and kissed her hand.

  “Remember, behind the trees by the stables…I’ll leave this blue scarf by the fence….at sunset.”

  Lynnette nodded and trotted off to catch up with Karina.


  Invitation to Harmon Hall

  They arrived at the stables and were met by old Jim the stable hand. “Miss Karina your father has been asking for you.”

  “Oh-no! Lynnette I’ll speak to you later.”

  “Oh alright!”

  Lynnette answered moments later, still clearly affected by Peter’s kiss. Karina washed her hands at the pump by the well and patted them dry on her dress then rushed to the dining room, stopping briefly at the entrance to compose herself. Lord Harmon stood up upon her arrival. Charles, rebuked his daughter for her tardiness.

  “Please forgive me father, Lord Harmon we lost track of time.”

  “Take a seat, Gunther and I are famished, we nearly started without you!”

  Meals were in the process of being served.

  “I have some news to share with you, Lord Harmon has invited us to attend a social gathering he’s having next Saturday he has some announcement to make including his new business venture in France and has requested our presence.”

  Karina looked puzzled; she was not accustomed to attending any of her father’s business functions.

  “Father is it necessary that I go?”

  “Yes. It’s nearly a two-day trip so we will need to leave the day after tomorrow.”

  Karina, obviously displeased, looked down at her plate.

  “You’re no longer a child and as my daughter and only family member you need to take a more important role in this household. There are responsibilities you must be made aware of. I will explain everything later. We will be traveling the day after tomorrow so I expect you to start preparing. Gunther lives by the harbor so dress warm.”

  “I see. Father, is it wise for you to travel?

  “No matter, we will be attending.”

  “But father, why is it necessary for me to go?” Karina insisted.

  Lord Pembroke was getting agitated and his breathing was getting labored. “Father I-”

  Karina was about to further request information why she needed to attend when he cut her off.
  “No discussion! We shall be traveling the day after tomorrow so you need to prepare that’s all!”

  The exertion of almost shouting caused Lord Pembroke to cough. He didn’t want any arguments at the table, or in front of Gunther. He expected Karina to be difficult but for his plan to succeed he needed to be firm. Karina sat silently at the table, confused and upset over her father’s sudden change. To ease the tension, Gunther made a suggestion,

  “Perhaps your riding companion can accompany you and your father.” Gunther suggested.

  Karina was pleased with the suggestion. She turned to her father in search of his approval...he nodded his acceptance.

  “Thank you Lord Harmon.”

  The idea of Lynnette accompanying her was very comforting and for the moment she held her piece. Still troubled by the whole thing Karina lost her appetite and a short time later asked to be excused from the table claiming she had headache. Embarrassed by her behavior, Charles gladly dismissed her, stating it would be good for her to rest a while. She rose from the table, as did Gunther.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you my dear I hope you feel better and I look forward to having you, your father and your riding-companion as my guests next Saturday.”

  Karina smiled politely and said, “Thank you Lord Harmon, it was nice meeting you also.”

  Then she left the table. Gunther was undeterred by the obvious signs of disapproval in his future bride in time she would adjust to her fate just like other young women did when given in marriage.

  Karina felt this day was like no other and went to her room with a head full of thoughts. What disturbed her most was her father’s determined manner, he had never been like that in the past. He had always been so accommodating. Then again she was no longer a child perhaps Lynnette was right, her father was not well and wanted her to be more informed. Still she would speak with her father in private later. She lied on her bed trying to sort things out and soon fell asleep. Sometime later she woke up to quick knocks on her door. It was Lynnette, who said in a low voice,